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Social Reformer




Apart from the many institutions setup, Bapu takes special interest in the growth and development of students and teachers who show exceptional passion in their respective streams.









Another major problem that has shackled the public has been ‘marriage’, especially for those who cannot afford to pay for the extravagant ceremonies necessarily involved. Bapu understands this need of the people, especially after witnessing that many people sell their farms and get caught in a string of debt to pay for such lavish ceremonies. This is especially true for a daughter’s family. Bapu, thus, introduced of the concept of ‘Mass Marriage’. To kick off this ceremony, many of the Lokmangal employees and officials belonging to high posts were married in a mass ceremony. This was to establish the fact that Mass Marriage is devout of class or caste, and open to all.




Bapu recognized the need of the poor and undernourishedand reached out to them through an inititative called Anyadaan.

Bapu has a heart for the people. One of the issues that touched his heart was the lack of Nutrition (malnutrition) existing amongst the people, of which many were below poverty line and could not afford a decent meal. It was to these people that Bapu felt most drawn towards. He recognized their need and reached out to them through an inititative called Anyadaan. This initiative aims at providing aid and nutrition to those who otherwise would not be able to afford it.


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